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Free Your Mind Flow Jam

Flow is a meditative practice of moving your body and immersing your mind in the process. Flow can be done with props like hula hoops, poi, fans, contact balls, staffs, and more. 

This flowjam is a time and place to practice your flow, regardless of experience or skills (beginners welcome! There will be some props to share!) a place to meet others who will, without a doubt, inspire you. And possibly share knowledge and tricks of the trade with you too. 

Please bring:
~ A potluck dish (i.e fruits, veggies, crackers, humus, pizza, pasta, or maybe your favorite dish. Doesn't matter if it's homemade, store bought or delivery)
~ Reusable water bottle/drink
~ INSTRUMENTS (acoustic only) DRUMS welcome! 
~ Hoops or other flow/dance props (If you have'em bring'em. There are extras to share too.)
~ $5-$10 donation per person (to cover studio rental cost) but not to exceed $20 a family.

ALL are welcome! Men, woman and children with the understanding that this is a sacred place, free of judgement, where all will be respected and left as it was found, or better. 

RSVP to our Facebook Event Page for updates!
(( ♥ ))

Most of our minds are overworked, restless and preoccupied with a zillion thoughts ranging from work to children to bills... to what's for dinner? 

How often do you take time to play a kazoo, beat a drum, share a meal with friends, draw, dance, hoop or even just shake your sillies out? Once a... day? Week? Month? If you're like most - it's not often enough. 
According to this Zen proverb I love, “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day — unless you’re too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.”

When was the last time YOU got lost in what you were doing (but yet found yourself at the same time)? When time didn't exist (or worries), but yet you were there, present and aware. That moment when you were living in that moment and only that moment, mind body and soul. Flowing freely! I think you'd agree... WE can all benefit from spending at least 20 mins a day being "there", in our flow and if we're too busy for 20 mins a day then an hour is what we need. 

I believe that applies to all states of meditation, which one could describe as the art of letting go, freeing your mind and becoming one with the present moment. And can be practiced in motion. In noisy places. Even while interacting with others. And is often brought about by being in a creative state; singing, dancing, playing an instrument, coloring, talking about something you are passionate about, even playing with friends. However you flow. Flow.

So leave your stress and worries at home. . .
You won't be needing them. BUT don't forget your smile, drum and dish. You will be needing those!

Earlier Event: May 17
Ages 16+ (hoop)
Later Event: May 20
Girl's Night - Ages 4-10