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Healing the Mother Wound

  • Wild Woman Wellness Center 160 Dover Road Chichester, NH, 03258 United States (map)

This event will be lead by Amber and Carolyn.

If you feel uncomfortable RSVP'ing on Facebook, but wish to receive updates and reminders on this workshop through email please contact us at and we will make sure to keep you updated! There is a suggested $15 donation to attend this workshop. 

The mother wound is the pain of being a woman passed down through generations of women. It includes the dysfunctional coping mechanisms that are used to process that pain.

The mother wound can manifest as:
Not being your full self because you don’t want to threaten others
Having a high tolerance for poor treatment from others
Emotional care-taking
Feeling competitive with other women
Being overly rigid and dominating
Conditions such as eating disorders, depression and addictions

The cultural atmosphere of female oppression puts daughters in a "double bind."
Simply put, if a daughter internalizes her mother’s unconscious beliefs (which is some subtle form of “I’m not good enough”) then she has her mother’s approval but has in some way betrayed herself and her potential.
However, if she doesn't internalize her mother’s unconscious beliefs in her own limitations but rather affirms her own power and potential, she is aware that her mother may unconsciously see this as a personal rejection.
The daughter doesn’t want to risk losing her mother’s love and approval, so internalizing these limiting, unconscious beliefs is a form of loyalty and emotional survival for the daughter.
It may feel dangerous for a woman to actualize her full potential because it may mean risking some form of rejection by her mother.

The above description (taken from is just one of many ways the mother-wound can manifest. There may be those among you who can identify a different source to an equally painful situation. 

We will discuss some of the most common causes of strife between mothers and their children, the ways these affect adult children through their life, and ways to heal this wound to discontinue its passage through your family.

There will be a large portion of time allotted for open discussion throughout the workshop.

This workshop is open to all genders, ages 15+

Earlier Event: January 26
Business Networking - Meet & Greet
Later Event: January 27
New Moon Red Tent