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Past Life Regression

$40 ~ 2 hour workshop With Jennifer Yeaton-Parris
Certified hypnotherapist and certified past life regression hypnotherapist
(Private one on one past life regression hypnosis sessions will be available after the workshop by appointment to go deeper. Individual sessions are 1.5 hours long and $100)

Have you ever wondered who you were in a past life?

A Past Life Regression Session can help you become healthier and happier by removing obstacles and challenges that may have started or may have been created in a past life.

Past life experience can explain why we gravitate toward certain people or have a negative reaction to others. It can explain why we choose certain professions, hobbies, feel at home in a place we’ve never been to, or why we have a specific fear. Whether you are just curious, or would like to further your healing, discovering your past life or lives can help you move forward in a positive and healthy manner by exploring, healing and shedding the issues of the past.

There are many theories about reincarnation. When we participate in a past life regression session, it’s possible we are experiencing a real past life, or maybe accessing the DNA of an ancestor. It is also possible it is our imagination, or perhaps we are accessing what is known as the Akashic records, which is thought to contain the information of every Soul in the cosmos. Whatever the truth, your intuition will tell you if the past life can help you in the present. Isn’t it worth exploring?

During this past life workshop, hypnosis is used to access the records of our past lives. During hypnosis, you placed in a state of deep relaxation both physically and mentally. When you are very relaxed, you are listening with the subconscious brain instead of the conscious mind, which has access to all the events of your life and also, if you believe, your past lives.

Jennifer Yeaton-Parris is a health and wellness professional. She is a certified hypnotherapist and certified regression hypnotherapist. She has more than twenty five years teaching experience and provides group and individual hypnosis sessions at her home in Epsom.

You can contact her at or 858-2455. Pre-registration is required by contacting Jennifer or emailing the center at Thank you!

Earlier Event: September 10
All Levels Yoga
Later Event: September 16
September Full Moon Red Tent